Happy Halloween Everyone! Today was so beautiful here in Atmautluak, Alaska. The snow was falling and it was very warm. I had the priviledge of having TIME yesterday for finishing up my powerpoint for my other class. We are suppose to do a presentation this Friday and I need to finish up the other half of my final exam. It's been so busy lately. NO Social Life. BUT today we had such a fun day at our school. The local social services department sponsored a fun time full of activities and games. They even had a costume contest with cash prizes. It was so neat and funny how some of the teens dressed up and some of the adults. They gather in the gym and line up all the families that are passing out candy and do trick or treating that way. Here, they usually don't go house to house. It was fun socializing with the community and seeing people who I haven't seen in such a long while. My kids had fun too, although my niece's heart kept leaping in fright from all the witches and ugly monsters walking around.
This picture was taken in the English class. They had some time to get their class pumpkin ready for the pumpkin contest in the community event. My daughter is in phase 5-6, and her class was the lucky pumpkin to win. I heard the beginning of the event was fun too but I missed it because I was attending class from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. Gee, the Holidays are fast arriving and before you know it the New Year will begin. Okay, Happy Holidays everyone!!!