This is a time when our world is changing. Wow! I have never been so challenged as I have been challenged before. I am so grateful for all the help I received in my internship year here in Kasigluk. I got tremendous help from my school district in getting acquainted with the phases and indicators I need for my math methods class. Wow!! I can't say that I'm grateful enough... I have been so busy in trying to raise my children and pursuing my degree. I can't wait until I graduate and thank all the most helpful people that helped me to try to understand the methods I will use. The content is no problem and sometimes I get anxious to acquire my teaching degree and to get my own classroom. I want so much to teach, but I need to finish working on my classes in order to get there. I love the students because I know how they feel. They are all so motivated as Native Alaskans and they must be taught to believe that they can do all things with and through their culture and language in this common world. Gee, it makes me shiver and gives me so much anticipation to push a little harder and to make most of it regardless of technicalities I encounter every day. I spend my time, honest money at the local stores and subsist off the land and still' I motivate myself to do what is right for myself, my children, and My Students. I want to sing to the tunes of drums to celebrate Yup'ik Life and Song. Gee, I'm getting ahead of myself. This picture is of my son. He is well trained in hunting and fishing. He provides meat and fish for my family and that is so much more than common seat time in school. What he is learning is how to write so he can write articles on hunting and fishing and express these ideas into the common world. I could tell he is going to be an honest man. I give myself a pat on the back because I have reminded him that his life and his lifestyle is more valuable than a standardized roadshow, that most people believe in. Nah, I can't wait to get into the classroom. Be determined my Akulmiut people and you can do the same. Keep your heads high and listen to your elderly. Your unique and that's so much special than the common world. You can live through the common world, just stay in school and learn as much so you can to survive the trials by triumphs you made for yourself and not by anyone else.