Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Atmautluak,AK Place Based

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


skipvia said...

What a beautiful slide show, Sue. Excellent pictures. My favorite by far was "Walk to School" with the parents and children on the boardwalk. I'd love to have a large print of that one.

I noticed that you spelled "uqiiquq" slightly differently than Kendra did in her blog. It's obviously the same word, but does the spelling vary by region? Just curious...

Thanks for the excellent peek into like in Atmauluak.

Aanaq Nick- Back at Home said...

The spelling is the same but the dialect might be different for uqiiquq. I feel like I need to make another flikr slideshow, because I was lacking pictures in the other community buildings. I feel like I especially left out the pictures of the Russian Orthodox church and others. So don't be surprised if I compose another one.....