Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Winter Deep

I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and stayed warm. I anxiously completed my final exams and papers and our semester was finally over. Now I registered for four classes to fulfill my scholarship requirements. This semester I am going to take ED 201, ED 204, EDSE 422, and JRN 308. The excited part was that I only had three more courses to take but I took extra to fulfill my scholarship through LKSD. I have to have 12 credits in order to qualify for LKSD. It also ties me down to LKSD for five years after I graduate and become a certified teacher. Ala-i, I am getting nervous about my intern year! I feel like I'm dumbfounded and unable to believe that I'm almost done. What if I'm not a good teacher? What if I'm not ready? These thoughts have been on my mind for quite a while now. I love teaching and being with students at my work, but what about in a classroom? I had the pleasure of teaching kindergarten as an associate teacher one year, and I wasn't pleased with myself because I was dull. For one thing, I can't sing and another thing I don't play. Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade students learn from playing and singing. Now that I have thought about the grade levels I think I want to teacher 3rd through sixth grade students. I really need to find a mentor teacher to do my internship year with. I am going to be placed anywhere if I don't find a mentor teacher. I have had a few in mind but they are out of town or away from their desks. Believe me, I'm saving it for the last to find one. I'm scared!