Thursday, September 6, 2007


I hope everyone enjoyed their Labor Day weekend. Seems like everyone is picking berries and fishing. There's a new powerpoint program I came across that the students are working on and it's called Keynote. I really like the options that the program offers and of course the students are picking up on it VERY FAST. Kids these days, they know what's behind the keypad! Very TECH nerdy..... Work is busy as well as home life. I'm trying to work on my projects but I'm quite slow. If there was more time in the day! God Bless our time given though. Okay everyone! Enjoy the rest of the week!


skipvia said...

I am a big fan of Keynote myself. It's a lot like PowerPoint, but I think the slide shows you make with it look a lot better. It's a Mac-only program. There is no Windows version available. When you buy a new Mac, there is a 30-day trial version included on the hard drive. After 30 days, you have to buy it. It sounds like your school or district purchased copies. Good for them. It's fun to watch kids using it.

darleneulak said...

Hi Sue,
Cangacit? wii assirtua, but like you trying to do all that I can w/homework and house work. I'm glad I'm not working now, I know I'd be going crazy. (I'm going crazy as it is now).
So nice that your site is introducing new programs, I really don't know about the tech classes here, need to come up and observe. Tuaigwaa talk to you later.