Monday, August 13, 2007

Home Again, Home Again

I am home again, home again. It's so nice to be home again. Although my son claimed to have cleaned and cooked, my house needed major cleaning when I got home. I had to adjust to the quietness of my home town and for some moment I felt out of place because I had gotten use to the hustle and bustle of city life. Today is my back to work day. I work after school hours and this summer I was assigned to summer school, three weeks after and three weeks prior to the start of school. Altough I am two weeks short of when I was suppose to start, I think I can arrange something with my school administrator. Hopefully, he'll understand why I was gone. I would like to welcome everyone home and wish everyone a new school year, wherever your home again might be.


skipvia said...

I think I can understand your reaction to momentarily feeling out of place when you returned, and I suspect at least some of that has to do with the time you spent in ED 429. It's sometimes tempting to think that there is a "technology world" and a "real world" and that these somehow remain apart. The reality is that it's all the same. One of the reasons that I think that technology has such potential for rural education is that we can use it to bridge both worlds. People can live the life styles that they want while still being in touch with others all over the world, sharing stories and contributing to mutual understanding. Some people think that technology will destroy rural lifestyles. I think it has the power to save it.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.