Monday, October 15, 2007

Morning Snow

On Saturday morning my daughter called my name "Aan!", she was so excited that she scared me. I looked up and she said excitedly "Aan Snow!" I have never been so excited for snow since I was a child. My daughter had reminded me of how wonderful and exciting it was to have the first snow pack in the fall. Brings back so many fond memories of my childhood. I especially remember the smell of fresh air after it snowed.

It's so exciting to see that our kids are motivated and willing to work hard to succeed. Today, I had the pleasure of speaking with a teacher about one of her students who is working hard to get her Math phases up. She is almost at parr and will be ready to take Algebra I probably in the spring. When I hear about student success coming from teachers it motivates me to do my job better and focus on kids that need that extra help to get them at a proficiency level. I want to be as positive as the teacher I had talked with today, because sometimes I need encouragement and support when nothing seems to be going right.

1 comment:

skipvia said...

My youngest child is a senior in high school this year and he STILL gets excited about the first snow. It doesn't seem to wear off.

I'm so glad to hear that you are finding some important successes in your school. It sounds like everyone is doing their jobs well.